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TMX evaluation

Концептно-ориентированная модель памяти переводов - ЛУЧШЕЕ ЧТО ЕСТЬ НА РУССКОМ
Концептно-ориентированная модель памяти переводов А. Г. Глазунов
Обзор ТМ

Q: Translation Memory - how does it work?
A: A translation memory is the pairing of a sentence in the document you are translating from and its translation in your translated document. TRADOS stores this pair in a database or "memory" and automatically offers you the translation of any sentence that you have translated before when you come to translate new content.

More TM tools
After using "the client's software" for a number of years, i.e. sublicensed programs such as IBM TM/2, Star Transit or Alpnet's proprietary TSS/Joust, we finally decided to get our own. Following recent and alluring offers by TM providers, we are now the proud owners not of one, but of TWO other programs. And the good news (for us) is that those two are among the best three programs I have tried (Joust is available only for Alpnet's contractors). Among other good things, those "client-independent" programs provide really user-friendly translation memory and contextual search features, import any files you ask ...

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